TI Campus Recruitment

TI has a long history of university involvement; forging relationships that span the globe. We recruit the brightest students from the best engineering schools around the world and offer new college graduates unique opportunities for professional and technical development. We are committed to innovation and provide technical support and funding to pioneer new research engagements with universities. TI is ultimately committed to bringing the most advanced technology in the semiconductor industry to university curriculum worldwide - providing their students with the competitive edge necessary to succeed in this exciting industry and today’s challenging workplace.

University recruiting – mission

Find the smartest and most ambitious students in the world and provide them with the most exciting opportunities in the industry at TI.

University recruiting - strategic componentsproviding student opportunities at TI

Our student opportunities include internships and recent college graduate positions that include a mixture of challenging real-world projects and formal curriculum that help students develop the hard and soft skills they need to collaborate, create and innovate throughout their careers. TI’s interns and recent college graduates, selected from among the top performers in their disciplines, receive a level of mentoring, coaching and professional development they can’t get anywhere else. Disciplines such as Design, Product/Test, Applications, Software, and Systems engineering as well as critical functional skills such as Finance, Marketing, Communications, Human Resources, etc. are among those that we are always seeking.

An internship at TI is an opportunity to acquire a level of professional confidence that can only be gained from real accomplishments. In addition to taking on a project that’s critical to our business, our interns also have frequent access to our top leaders who share their experience and guidance. Interns benefit from direct coaching and mentoring from their more experienced team members to help them develop a variety of professional and leadership skills. TI ensures they begin their engineering career paths to success on the right foot.

Direct hire programs

A recent college graduate who accepts a position at TI becomes an instant team member – learning, collaborating, building deep expertise in technology and business. They “learn while doing” by getting to touch the products right away, and we offer them lots of professional development opportunities, along with one-on-one coaching and mentoring.offering global rotation programs. A combination of hands-on work experience and formal curriculum, our highly competitive global rotation programs are designed to both challenge recent college graduates and provide experience in a variety of roles to help them decide which direction they want to take in their careers.


By Published: May 15,2013

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