Cjay Oguonu

  • Job Title

    Operations Strategy Analyst
  • Company

    Barclays - UKRBB
  • Country

  • Subject Studied

  • University

    University of Manchester
  • Job Sector

    Business, Accounting & Finance

Please give a brief description of your job and what it involves?

My job involves evaluating current contact strategies for opportunities to improve customer experience across product lines. I develop new strategies where gap exists and work with stakeholders to deliver benefits to the business.

What key advice would you give to current students who would like to get into a similar job to you?

The big opportunity is one door away from your current work. Invest your personal resource in improving your skills and have an ambition for the future that you are pursuing.

Why do you think you got this job e.g. what skills/knowledge/experience etc?

I had the requisite experience and skills that was needed for the job. The job was a good fit my personal strengths and particularly helped me in my interview.


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