
  • Job Title

    Bank Manager
  • Company

    Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co.,Ltd
  • Country

  • Subject Studied

  • University

    London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Job Sector

    Business, Accounting & Finance

Please give a brief description of your job and what it involves?

I am working in a Chinese bank now and I am involved in corporate credit that analyzing company′s operating and financial situation to understand the basic situation of the industry so as to make the judgment of the companies′ ability on withstanding credit risk.

Why do you think you got this job? (e.g. what skills/knowledge/experience did you have)?

I think that if you want to work in a bank, you have to fully acknowledge the whole situation of banking industry and also you have to own solid financial knowledge as well as good interpersonal communication skills.

What key advice would you give to current students from China who would like to get into a similar job to you?

Solid professional skills and good interpersonal communication abilities is the key to success.

Please feel free to add anything else that you think would be useful to other current students and graduates.

 Work hard, and do not give up.Jeremy Lin, like him, do strive to uphold, and ultimately realize their ideals.


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