
  • Job Title

    Management Accountanct
  • Company

    Zhenye Construction Company
  • Country

  • Subject Studied

  • University

    University of Warwick
  • Job Sector

    Business, Accounting & Finance

Please give a brief description of your job and what it involves?

Management accounting. I help the company to work out the budgets for different projects and systematically evaluate the break even and possible profits. At the same time, I also work with my peers to perform the financial reports for the company when it comes to the end of an accouting period.

Why do you think you got this job? (e.g. what skills/knowledge/experience did you have)?

The degree always gives the first impression to the employer. I think my degree did help me to get this job. But the knowledge is very important as well. for the accounting job, it requires some specific techniques and knowledge. Although my degree was not accounting, I have done accounting and finance subjects as my open units. Economics helps me to view the big environment and accounting knowledge allows me to see clearly how the company makes profit in such business environment.

What key advice would you give to current students from China who would like to get into a similar job to you?

Firstly, there should be a clear idea that your future job might not be perfectly fit the degree which you have done. In fact, the university studies not only give you professional knowledge but also some social skills, like teamwork, communication and self-expression. You may or may not be able to benefit from the professional knowledge but the social skills will always help you in your jobs. Therefore, try to join more social activities and get to understand how you communicate with others with respect. For another, to have some internship experience would help, especially for the jobs in the financial sector, legal sector or some other sectors require specific skills.


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