
  • Job Title

    Graduate Management Executive
  • Company

    Securities Commission
  • Country

  • Subject Studied

  • University

  • Job Sector

    Business, Accounting & Finance


Lucy is a Graduate Management Executive at the Securities Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Below she talks about her career and how she accomplished her goals, and gives you advice on how to be successful in your future.

What typical tasks and activities does your current role involve?

Assisting seniors in auditing, we work in teams according to the nature of client′s business. After the first few weeks I was assigned to audit a dormant company on my own. KPMG cares about achieving a balance between work and life so we get to enjoy a lot of social activities like badminton, futsal, movie night and community day.

What skills, knowledge and experience contributed to you getting this job?

The big four requires a minimum of 2.1 degree related to accounting and finance. Preferable (but not necessary) studying towards a professional qualification (e.g. ACCA). Most importantly I personally think is to have a clear idea of what you want your career path to be like.

What key advice would you give to current Malaysian students who would like to get similar work to yours?

Be yourself and be prepared for your interview. Be prepared to commit to your job and this means sacrificing some personal leisure time, the first year is the key to building a great career. Don′t jump too quickly into conclusion that the job is not for you, have a little faith in yourself and don′t give up!

Do you have any other useful advice for other current students and graduates?

Expect failure in the first few interviews but don′t get over-depressed about them, the best always comes at last.

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