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Company Overview

China Expat is owned by Asia Briefing Ltd and was originally founded by Chris Devonshire-Ellis in 2001. He continues to personally support the sites costs and expenses. Designed as a platform for expatriate literary, travel, and cultural understanding and discussions, the site has attracted some of the best foreign expatriate writers in contemporary China, including Graham Thompson, Josh Garter, and currently Ernie Diaz. All have subsequently gone on to have significant works published elsewhere after cutting their teeth on China Expat. The site content is a mixture of adventure travel, getting out and about into some of China’s more remote areas, as well as exploring aspects of rural and urban Chinese culture that may not be immediately apparent to the casual observer. Chinese history and culture are also explored and discussed first hand and in detail.

China Expat was the first online website to feature a comprehensive list of Chinese cities, a feature we have recently updated today, and retains its reputation as a more serious, yet fun read for the professional expatriate interested in Chinese culture and travel. This is not a site devoted to gossip, scandal or expatriate innuendo. We do however recommend using the search function to find specific pieces by author, region of China, or area of culture. Comments to online articles are welcome.


Guangzhou CHINA


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